Charge Ahead Loan Program

CCEF is partnering with Charge Ahead Colorado to provide the Charge Ahead Loan to successful grant applicants, to finance full project costs or to bridge the gap between equipment purchase + installation and the receipt of reimbursable grant funds.

The Colorado Energy Office (CEO) administers the Charge Ahead Colorado electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure grant program. Grants are available for community-based Level 2 and Level 3 EV charging stations. Qualifying entities include community centers, income-qualified (IQ) multifamily housing (MFH), libraries, non-profit organizations, public entities installing charging for the specific use of the public, recreation centers, schools (not-for-profit and public), and tribal entities.


USDA REAP Grant Bridge Loan

CCEF’s REAP Grant Bridge Loan is a statewide loan designed to bridge the gap between project implementation and receipt of grant funds from the USDA Rural Energy for America Program (REAP). CCEF will work with grant applicants to secure financing ahead of the grant application. Upon loan approval, applicants will receive a Letter of Commitment (LOC) of funds to submit with their REAP grant application (worth an additional 15 points).

The entire project cost can be financed through CCEF. In this case, the grant award will be used to pay down the loan and the loan will be re-amortized at no cost to the borrower.

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Tax-Exempt Lease Purchase (TELP)

CCEF is partnering with Saulsbury Hill Financial to provide Tax-Exempt Lease Purchase (TELP) financing to municipal entities and special districts to help finance clean energy equipment up to 100% of project costs. The TELP financing structure can incorporate direct payment from the IRS for qualifying clean energy projects using the new Section 6417 rules under the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). 

This financing structure allows borrowers to own their energy systems with no upfront costs and beneficial terms.

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Energy Service Agreement (ESA)

CCEF, in partnership with RENEW Energy Partners, provides an Energy Service Agreement (ESA) that allows commercial building owners and local governments to make near-term, energy efficiency and on-site power generation upgrades to buildings, without requiring an out-of-pocket investment. The service provider funds 100% of projects costs and owns and operates the equipment during the contract term. The building owner pays the service provider on a pay-for-performance basis based on the measured and verified energy savings.

We Can’t Do This On Our Own

Partnerships are crucial to our success; we can’t do this on our own. Climate change is a challenge that requires a network of partners – and we are incredibly grateful for ours. If you would like to partner with CCEF and make positive impacts on climate change while improving the lives of Coloradoans, we’d love to speak with you! Fill out the Get In Touch form below!

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