Program Partners

CCEF’s On-Bill Repayment Program is available to Coloradoans in participating utility co-op territories, listed below. Additional utility co-ops are joining the program regularly.

Participating Utilities

Launching on September 10th

What is On-Bill Repayment?

On-bill repayment (OBR) is a mechanism by which a resident or business owner may elect to install certain energy upgrades to their property at no upfront cost and repay the cost of the measure and installation via a voluntary tariff on their monthly utility bill. The term “repayment” included in OBR denotes the fact that a third party, in this case CCEF, provides the upfront funding for the installation.

Your local electric utility will bill customers on a monthly basis to recover CCEF’s costs over an agreed-upon timeframe. In many cases the energy savings achieved through the newly installed measures is greater than the monthly repayment obligation, thereby saving customers money on their utility bill every month.

On-Bill Case Study

Learn about CCEF's pilot On-Bill Repayment project in Norwood, CO; Norwood Pinion Park.

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image of a dad with his son on his shoulders

What Can You Finance?

Insulation Icon

Air Sealing & Insulation

EV Charging Icon

EV Charging

Water Heating Icon

Electric Water Heating

Air-Source and Ground-Source Heat Pumps

Battery Storage Icon

Battery Storage

LED Lighting

Windows and Doors Icon

Windows & Doors

Before You Apply! Check Out These Resources...

There are a multitude of additional resources and incentives available to assist in paying for qualified electrification and energy efficiency measures. Some are income-based, so be sure to check out the AMI calculators below to determine your income threshold!

Frequently Asked Questions

CCEF has vetted and authorized a network of qualified contractors who can perform the installations for qualifying measures in the OBR program. The contractor you, as the consumer, select is responsible for the installation of the equipment. Any maintenance issues or concerns with operability should be directed to them.

You (the property owner) do! A benefit of on-bill repayment is that the measure becomes yours at the time of installation, even though the upfront cost is covered by another entity (in this case, CCEF). The ownership only changes if/when you sell your house to a new owner.

None! The repayment is included on your monthly utility bill, so your payment will be processed each month when you pay your electricity bill to your provider.

Billing for this equipment is handled by your electricity provider. You would contact them with any billing questions around the measures, just as you would contact them about any questions you have related to your traditional electricity bill.

Yes! The beauty of on-bill repayment programs is that it allows customers to pay for the measures ahead of schedule, should you wish to do so. And there’s absolutely no penalty for paying early!

Your utility will pursue full payment for any balance on your utility bill (including for the OBR charges) through its regular collections procedures. If you are late on a payment, the utility will likely reach out to you requesting payment of any past due balances. Please be aware that your utility may shut off power due to nonpayment - the OBR charge is part of your regular electricity bill and for that reason the same disconnection rules apply.

If you move from the house and sell it while you are still paying the E&S charge, the financial obligation remains with the electricity meter associated with the property. Therefore, when you stop your electricity service, the obligation to pay remains at the property and will be assumed by the new homeowner. You do have an obligation to disclose the existence of this financial obligation to prospective buyers so they are aware of the tariff before buying the house. Often, homeowners will choose to pay off the measures in full before selling a home, to avoid the tariff transferring to a new homeowner.

Reach out to CCEF's Program Manager, Emily Richardson at [email protected]

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