Charge Ahead

Loan Program

CCEF is partnering with Charge Ahead Colorado to provide the Charge Ahead Loan to successful grant applicants, to finance full project costs or to bridge the gap between equipment purchase + installation and the receipt of reimbursable grant funds.

The Colorado Energy Office (CEO) administers the Charge Ahead Colorado electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure grant program. Grants are available for community-based Level 2 and Level 3 EV charging stations. Qualifying entities include community centers, income-qualified (IQ) multifamily housing (MFH), libraries, non-profit organizations, public entities installing charging for the specific use of the public, recreation centers, schools (not-for-profit and public), and tribal entities.

CCEF Charge Ahead Loan

Loan Amount: $10,000 to $500,000

Term: 24 to 120 months

Rate: 3.45 – 5.99% depending on project size

Repayment: Up to 12 months of interest-only payments

Security: Secured by UCC-1 filing or grant reassignment

Speed: Access to funding within weeks of application submission

Here’s the Process:

  • Click on Submit a Project and complete CCEF Project Intake Form.

  • CCEF will supply loan application packet, Application Checklist, and Closing Checklist.

  • Applicant will review loan applications and checklists, submitting completed loan application packet when ready.

  • CCEF will begin the underwriting process upon receipt of the completed loan application packet.

  • Closing documents will be provided for review and signature.

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