What type of customers do you serve?



Commercial &

Residential Contractors

CCEF Residential Programs


Colorado Renewable Energy Upgrade Loan (RENU)

The Colorado RENU Loan is a statewide residential loan program sponsored by CCEF in partnership with Colorado-based credit unions.


On-Bill Repayment Program

On-bill repayment (OBR) is a mechanism by which a resident or business owner may elect to install certain energy upgrades to their property at no upfront cost and repay the cost of the measure and installation via a voluntary tariff on their monthly utility bill.

Join the CCEF Contractor Network

Participation Criteria

Professional license to perform relevant work

Commercial general liability insurance coverage ($1,000,000 per occurrence)

Legally required workers’ compensation insurance

Listing with Better Business Bureau (BBB accreditation not required)

Executed W-9 for business (if participating in On-Bill Repayment program)

Compliance with all applicable laws

Steps to Follow:

  • Sign-up for a free account on the Colorado Clean Energy Contractor Center

  • Identify the CCEF programs you’d like to be authorized for and fill-out the online application.

  • CCEF will review your application materials. Upon confirmation of authorization, you will receive an email inviting you to attend a contractor training session.

  • Attend a 1.5-hour contractor training session at your convenience. You will then receive an invitation to join the MerchantLinq (MLQ) management platform.

Authorized Residential Contractor Resources

Commercial Contractors

Join the CCEF Contractor Network

Participation Criteria

Professional license to perform relevant work

Commercial general liability insurance coverage ($1,000,000 per occurrence)

Legally required workers’ compensation insurance

Listing with Better Business Bureau (BBB accreditation not required)

Compliance with all applicable laws

Steps to Follow:

  • Sign-up for a free account on the Colorado Clean Energy Contractor Center

  • Identify the CCEF programs you’d like to be authorized for and fill-out the online application.

  • CCEF will review your application materials. CCEF will then confirm your approval to join the CCEF Contractor Network

  • You’ll then begin receiving exclusive CCEF product offers and financing products to pass along to your customers.

Authorized Residential Contractor Resources

All CCEF Programs

Contractor Application Materials

CCEF Commercial Loan Program

Program Info & Training Materials


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